Friday, November 26, 2010

For Self or for All?


This is what man is all about; this is the purpose of his creation and of the creation of all the worlds, sublime and lowly—to make for G‑d a dwelling in the physical world.

—Likkutei Amarim 33

Today is Yud Tes Kislev, the 19th day of the Jewish month of Kislev, also known as the Rosh Hashanah L’Chassidus, The New Year of Chassidus.

On this date (and tomorrow), Chassidim joyfully celebrate with farbrengens (Chassidic gatherings) and an increased commitment to the ways and teachings of Chassidism. Today we also restart the yearly cycle of daily study of the Tanya, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi's major Chassidic writing.

Tanya is the one-size-fits-all manual for life. The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G-d, the human soul, the world and our place in it.

Tanya and Chassidus as a whole give purpose to life and everything within. Purpose has been given to the most mundane of things, as Tanya teaches us to see the G-dliness and holiness within everything.

On this 19 Kislev, I would like to wish you, as Chassidim generally wish each other “L’shana Tova B’Limud Ha’Chassidus ub’Darchei Ha’Chassidus” – Happy new year of learning and living the teachings of Chassidus!

In the Parsha this week, Parshat VaYeishev, we learn about Yosef (Joseph) and the envy of his brothers. We are also taught that the envy of Yosef’s brotherYehudah (Judah) was greater than the others.

As it is the New Year of Chassidus, I would like to present a Chassidic view on this conflict and how it pertains to our daily lives.

Chassidus teaches us that the conflict between Yosef and Yehudah compares to our daily conflicts between growth and self-fulfillment on the one side, and humility and commitment on the other.

There are many reasons we act the way we do and perform the actions we do, however all of our actions fall under two categories; for ourselves and for something greater (others, society, G-d, etc.). Both are reasonable, as we must worry about ourselves, and would be considered wicked people if we never focused on something greater.

Yosef, whose name means "to add," represents growth and achievement, whileYehudah, means "to acknowledge" and "to submit" compares to commitment and restraint.

These two forces, through everything we do, fight each other to front. Some days one wins, some days the other. (Also, this is a model of times throughout Jewish history, as the camps of Yehudah and Yosef continuously fought for leadership of Israel…)

Chassidus, present a unique view to this. We are taught that these two “camps” actually unite down the road. The point when we are able to comprehend that while we do something for ‘the self’ we can then transform that into action for the greater society. As the Talmud relates "Learning is greater because it brings to deed." A better self -- a more knowing, sensitive, accomplished self -- is a self better equipped to fulfill its purpose in creation.

Making ourselves better is in fact the act of doing something for the long-run, for the sake of the greater good. That is the purpose of creation, as Tanya teaches (as quoted at the top of this article) “This is what man is all about; this is the purpose of his creation and of the creation of all the worlds, sublime and lowly—to make for G‑d a dwelling in the physical world.”

We make G-d a dwelling place by transforming everything we do into good and holy. By focusing on the positive energy within everything and by commiting to make ourselves better so we can in turn make the world better!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Loss of a Legend


(This Dvar Torah is dedicated in loving memory of my friend, Levi Yitzchak ben Zalman Yuda, A"H, Rabbi Levi Deitsch, The Chabad Shliach to Tysons Corner, VA since 2002. Levi, we miss you!)

I’ve known Rabbi Levi Deitsch for over 15 years, first as merely co-summer camp mates but later as a colleague and friend. I always knew Levi as a cheerful, friendly and exciting fellow. Always with a smile, kind word or both, Levi was the ultimate people’s person.

In 2002, Levi moved to my home state of Virginia to start up a Chabad House in the Tysons Corner area. I was honored that Levi was moving to my state. Living in Virginia then, I was anxious to make my way north to visit. I saw him there several times, and even spent the night with he and his wife as my hosts.

Levi and Miriams legendary hospitality was nothing short that night. My friend, who was not observant, and I felt more than welcome and as comfortable as home. Not to mention it was three days before Chanukah and it’s not like they had nothing else to do.

Levi was busy arranging Chanukah events, distribution of Menorahs for Jewish locals and he was supervising the operation of his spectacular Chanukah Wonderland. With all this going on, Levi took his time for us. Levi Deitsch always put others first. That’s what made him “Levi Deitsch!”

That was 2005. In 2006, Levi lost his father, Zalman, a young man whose passing was sudden and tragic. I was out of the country and tried fruitlessly to reach him to offer condolences. The connection was never made.

A week later, unimaginably, Levi’s uncle (Zalman’s brother) Yaisef passed. Now back in the country, I paid a Shiva call. I saw Levi there, offered some comforting words and inquired as to how he was doing. His response blew me away.

I still remember until today where I was and what he said to me that night. “We don’t ask questions. G-d has a plan. We must accept it.” Levi’s father had passed a week ago. Now he was mourning the death of his uncle yet, such faith? How could a man be so devoted?

But that exactly who Levi was! He was a devoted man. Devoted to G-d. Devoted to his Rebbe. Devoted to his wife Miriam and four beautiful children, Chaya, Mirel, Mendel and Zalman. Devoted to his Chabad House and Tysons Corner Jewish Community. Devoted to making this world a better place!

In 2007, Levi was diagnosed with cancer. What a blow to his young family and growing community. But Levi did not allow this to deter him. The doctors gave him a couple months at best, but Levi vowed to fight! And fight he did!

In the Parsha this week, Parshat VaYishlach, Yaakov (Jaob) prepares to meet his brother. Yaakov and Esav are not getting along and Jacob practices three methods of protection to look after himself and his family. First he tries to reconcile then he prepares for battle. After all is set and ready to go, Yaakov turns to G-d and prays.

Levi did the same. Levi spoke with the doctors in reconciliation and made certain to understand what he was up against. Then prepared to stare his illness in the eye and chase it out. Levi’s prayers and the prayers of others pushed the disease back and allowed Levi to continue his fight forward.

Levi was strong and committed. And his faith in G-d and Torah allowed him to survive for several years longer than the doctors predicted. Levi’s stubborn conviction gave him the will to keep going. Levi’s humor, intellect and vigor never let up even though he was becoming weaker and sicker.

Levi did not allow it!

In May of this year, an unthinkable tragedy hit Levi’s family when their youngest, Nosson, was killed in a boating accident. Levi was frail and ill, yet made the trip to New York for the funeral and Shiva. I went to visit the family at their home. Amongst many visitors, I shuffled in quietly not knowing what to do or say. Its moments like these that we are thankful for lack of practice.

The mood was somber and the home mostly quiet, except from one corner of the room came a laugh. I peered to see who it was and noticed Levi. I approached only to find him “comforting” the comforters. What a moment that was to see, Levi, as sick as he was, did not want others to feel uncomfortable around him because of the situation. He immediately broke the ice. Inspiring.

In Levi’s merit, in the last couple of months, vigorous prayer campaigns were set out to beseech the almighty to grant Levi a speedy recovery and the mercy he needed. School children, business people, family, friends and complete strangers came together to pray for Rabbi Levi Deitsch.

Yet, this past Shabbat, Levi was taken from this world and returned to his creator. So young . So energetic. So full of life. Now gone.

For me it was hard to imagine and comprehend. It didn’t make sense for someone so full of life to be taken from it so young.

In moments like these I tend to turn to the book, Hayom Yom, a compilation of small Chassidic thoughts for each day. The thought for the day of Levi’s passing struck me.

The Rebbe explains there that “the reciting of sh'ma before retiring at night is, in miniature form, like the Confessional prayers before death”. The difference of course is that then, one checks out spiritually and physically. The actions of day to day life are finished. However, with the Shema, when the soul is returned, it is indication that the daily routine still needs to be carried out. Accomplishment and achievement still await you.”

Levi’s soul has returned to its creator and he has physically left this world. Levi’s work down below has been accomplished and it was his time to move on. While we cannot even begin to understand it, we try our best to accept that G-d has a grand plan, like Levi so fervently believed!

While Levi’s physical work here is done, his mission and agenda will continue. Levi will continue to live on in those who knew him and loved him.

Levi cannot be forgotten, he won’t allow it.

Levi, you were a dear friend and I will miss you dearly! I yearn for the coming of Moshiach when I will be able to see your cheerful smile and hear your joyous laugh once again.

Levi, the world is darker without you, but is brightened by the light created from having you.

Even if it was for just 34 short years.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Eye on the Prize


(This Dvar Torah is dedicated to the everlasting memories of the “Mumbai Kedoshim”, whose Yahrtzeits were this past week, Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivkah Hltzberg, HY”D, the founders and directors of Chabad of Mumbai, India who lost their lives while faithfully manning their posts, and in honor of their son Moishele who was miraculously saved from the carnage and just celebrated his fourth birthday. This Dvar Torah is also dedicated to the complete and speedy recovery of Virginia Shliach (Chabad Emissary) Rabbi Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel.)

In this week’s Parsha, Vayeitzei, Esav (Esau) is still angered at the fact that Yaakov (Jacob) ‘stole’ his birthright and blessing. Yaakov travels to the home of his uncleLavan (Laban) to take cover from Esav’s wrath.

Charan is not a place like any Yaakov had been before. Charan was a rough place to say the least. It was hectic. It was dirty. It was corrupt. Adding more fuel to the fire was the fact that Yaakov was living with his uncle Lavan. Lavan made John Gotti look like a saint.

However, the midrash teaches us that Yaakov spent his time in Charan in happiness, singing Psalms and always rejoicing.

How can that make sense? Yaakov was a holy person. Torah and G-dliness always surrounded him. Now, he’s surrounded by a Vegas like atmosphere with a New Yorker’s mentality.

Well, our forefather, Yaakov, albeit living in unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory, knew that the end game was going to be rewarding. He knew, simply, that he was inCharan for a reason and that soon, when the right time came, he would “return home”. He refused to let himself be depressed because of now and instead focused on the future.

Not that Charan was easy for Yaakov. I mean, for him to simply be able to marry someone, the girl’s father (his uncle, Lavan) required him to work seven years. And he did that TWICE (for two sisters)! Plus, Yaakov labored another seven for cattle from his uncle.

The difficulties were there. The hardships were prevalent. Considering that, Yaakov still did not allow himself to cave during challenging moments. He knew he was here for a reason and that the light at the end of the tunnel was not New Jersey!

This past week, Chabad-Lubavitch Worldwide celebrated the annual Kinus HaShluchim HaOlami – the International Conference of Chabad Emissaries. Nearly 4000 Chabad Rabbis converged on Brooklyn New York to chart their plans for the coming year and pay tribute to their leader, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of saintly memory.

Hundreds and hundreds of Shluchim (emissaries) who are posted in isolated and often distant communities around the globe all came together as one. Many of them face foreign languages. Foreign cultures. And some places are down-right dangerous. They live in the trenches. Self-sacrifice on so many levels. Soldiers on the front line.

All of the Shluchim face challeneges and hardship. How will we provide our children a proper Jewish education? Where is the nearest Mikveh? Can I get kosher meat and milk? What about a Minyan? The list of challenges doesn’t end. Yet, speak to the Shluchim and you will learn one thing in common amongst them all: They are happy.

The Shluchim all know there is a reason for them being where they are. The Rebbe sent them there to help the world reach the next step. The reward that they work towards. The vision of the Rebbe was to have Shluchim stationed in every corner of the globe. The Rebbe wanted them to fulfill their work with joy. And the most important thing the Rebbe wanted was for the Shluchim to never lose sight of the real mission, the hastening of the arrival of Moshiach.

How were the Shluchim to hasten Moshiach’s arrival? Through spreading Yiddishkeit – Judaism – to Jewish people everywhere! Teffilin. Shabbat Candles. Family Purity. Jewish Education. And the list goes on. Through our sharing these beautiful Mitzvot with others, G-d will surely send the ultimate reward.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Choosing the Right Party


(This week’s email is in memory of Chabad Shliach Rabbi Menachem Mendel Deren and in honor of a speedy and complete recovery to full good health of Chabad Shliach, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak ben Tzirel.)

In a week when the world watched as America flip-flopped in their political decisions, I was left thinking about the process of elections.

The midterm elections are generally thought of as a judgment on the president. Clearly, Americans were not so thrilled with the policies of Mr. Obama and his chambers of government.

The beauty of it all is that we have the opportunity, every couple of years, to make a difference and choose a different direction. Whether we voted for change or simply to tell the ‘yes we cans’ that “no you won’t” you still voted. We have that right to choose who leads us.

Of course the cliché comparison is to that of our mind and soul. Within each of us we have two parties. Both actually seem to offer well and reward. At face value, its hard to determine which party is the one for us. For some, it takes years or even decades to figure it out.

We have the same right to choose as we do in an election. And we also have that right to make a change. When we feel that the party of our evil inclination is winning, and we don’t like the changes they make, we can choose to reach across the aisle and make good.

In this week’s Parsha, Toldos, we are related the story of Jacob and Esau and the blessing they receive from their father, Isaac. Jacob, as the father of both, loved them equally. However, not realizing the evil Esau would create, he chose to bestow the more worthy blessing upon him. Rebecca, Isaac’s wife, saw that this blessing should be bestowed on the do-gooder, Jacob.

Rebecca developed a scheme to have Jacob receive that blessing. Rebecca also loved her children equally. However Rebecca determined which party would bring better results. After examining the issues, she voted for the party of Jacob.

When Esau learned that Jacob had ‘stolen’ his blessing he was furious! He begged his father to bless him as well. Esau was blessed but it was not nearly as great as the blessing Jacob received. Interesting to note: Why would Esau, an evil man with apparent disregard for others, even care about receiving this blessing? After all, wasn’t it all for the holy people, those who chose the righteous was?

It certainly wasn’t an inheritance Esau was after, because in reality, Isaac had nothing to leave behind. It is clear that the anger was over the blessing itself.

To understand this, we must realize where Esau comes from. Born and raised in the house of Abraham and Isaac, Esau was a natural to the belief in G-d and holiness. At heart, he believed it all and held it dear. He was – to use a modern day phrase – a ‘Jew at heart”. Born to a Jewish mother and possessing a Jewish soul imbued him with a strong belief in G-d and the super-natural.

While Esau did truly understand the reward of holiness and G-dliness, he chose to caucus with the other party campaigning inside his mind. The party of evil. His "Jewish heart," did not transform into a moral lifestyle. It was reserved for another time. He knew what was right, but was unwilling to make that vote as the other party lobbied hard. They won.

Jacob was a Jew not only at heart, but in practice as well. With faith alone we will never accomplish all that needs to be done. Action is of essence! That’s what we must do everyday. We must act! We must vote, not only for the party that makes us spiritual internally, but spiritual externally. While both offer good in the acceptance of G-dliness, the party of action and Mitzvot is the party that will serve you best.

Now is our chance to choose again. Let’s get out there and vote!