Today, the 14th of the Jewish month of Adar I marks an odd occurrence. Today is called Purim Katan - “Small Purim.”
In a standard year, the 14th of Adar would be the immensely popular holiday of Purim - the festival celebrating the miraculous survival of our people when up against the evil decree of Haman.
This year however is a large leap away from standard. Leap - yes, as in a Leap Year. Nope, that does not mean a 29th day. On the Jewish calendar it means adding an entire month to the cycle!
Why the month of Adar? Why not a different month? Or even perhaps an exclusive month, that only occurs during said leap year?
I bring you the age old saying: “Mi’shenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha.” – “When Adar comes, we increase our joy!” - Who wouldn’t want an entire calendar frame of extra joy?!
What makes this month so joyous? Of course, the holiday of Purim. when Haman attempted to physically destroy the Jews. Unlike Chanukah, he didn’t aspire to change our ways - he chose to take our life. He did not - the Jews prevailed. (Like all Jewish holidays, they tried to kill us, we won, lets eat!)
Adar I is considered a prequel to the Broadway show. Purim Katan is a pre-season rehearsal for the Big Dance.
This year, Purim Katan falls out when we read Parshat Ki Tisa from the Torah. We read about G-d delivering to Moshe the second set of Tablets.
Moshe ascends Mount Sinai, returning with the first set of Tablets. Seeing the great sin of the Golden Calf, Moshe drops the tablets, breaking them.
Moshe returns to the summit of Sinai and pleads for his flock. 40-days later, G-d forgives, sending Moshe down with the second set of Tablets.
Fast forward to the Purim story: The Jewish people are granted permission to rebuild the Beit Hamikdash - the Holy Temple - in Jerusalem. Achashverosh ascends the throne and revokes the edict. He throws a feast, causing the Jewish people to sin.
Mordechai leads the people in prayer and G-d hears their cries. Their solace is granted in the form of “V’nahafoch Hu” - everything being flipped around!
Two similar stories; good times followed by sin, prayer and finally, even better times.
Purim Katan, a day with zero specific observance (less the omission of the confessional prayers during the daily services) yet lots of fanfare. What is the purpose, and why is it still relevant to us?
Annually, we are afforded the opportunity to celebrate Purim. During Jewish Leap Years we are lucky to receive the most joyous month in double dosage.
The lessons of the Parsha and of Purim Katan combine to teach us that G-d does not accept failure by his people or demise of his nation. Neither have rules and regulations in His playbook.
The inspiration behind the two events encourages us to remember that even whilst the times may be hard, good times were, and better times await.
We turn to our creator, he cannot deny us.
And it is my heartfelt prayer that as we celebrate Purim Katan, 5771, G-d will hear our outcry to bring the ultimate of better times, the times of Moshiach, when the words of this week’s Haftarah will be realized.
“וַיַּרְא, כָּל-הָעָם...וַיֹּאמְרו ה’ הוּא הָאֱלֹהִים” - “And the nation saw... they said Hashem is the Creator!”
Friday, February 18, 2011
Better Times Await!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Is That Really Your Name?
Isser Danielovich, world famous actor, known for his roles during the 50’s and 60’s. Surely, you don’t know him by this name. The “pseudonym” is a concept we have become familiar with.
What is the purpose of a pseudonym? Reasons can be many. Simple and complex.
An author, unsure if his first release will succeed, may prefer a penname rather than tarnishing his own. Should it succeed, he runs with the adopted calling.
An actor/actress in mid-20th-century America may wish to audition and their name could be reason for refusal. Jewish names for example. Isser Danielovich - star actor, and four-time Academy Award nominee, Kirk Douglas.
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Then we have Moshe - Moses, on the verge of becoming the most popular author to not have his true name listed on the book’s spine. Moshe “wrote” (transcribed) the Torah. Probably why we call them the "Five Books of Moses."
Torah was Moshe’s passion and love, his life and legacy. He is undoubtedly the face we attach to Torah. The most mentioned character. The one who recorded the words. The one who received it from G-d himself atop Sinai.
Moshe was willing however, to give it all up for something else. The Jewish people. Yes, the same people that argued with him, and in ways even blamed him for hardships along the way after the Exodus. Moshe still cared for them. These were his people and he was their shepherd.
Moshe created a fair balance between the three things that permeated his holy life - G-d, Torah and the Jewish People. Moshe in fact viewed them all as one and together. All needed the other to be as important as they were. Moshe loved and defended the trio.
However, Moshe, who is so entrenched in the Torah, once asked G-d to remove his name entirely. I take you to the happenings after the Golden Calf. G-d had made a decision to destroy the nation. Moshe begged G-d to forgive them. And were G-d not to forgive, Moshe requested “please erase my name from the book that You wrote!"
In reference to this display of devotion and humility, Moshe’s name is in fact not mentioned in the entire reading of this weeks Torah portion, Parshat Tetzaveh.
This teaches a powerful lesson. How to lead. How to stand up for a greater cause. To show humility and focus on whats right. Moshe was an expert cum laude in all of the above. But none of it was for him. Ironically, it was his quest for anonymity and his will to put himself forward for others that gave him his unsurpassed top spot in the line of Jewish history.
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On the topic of leadership, it seems much of the major news outlet’s headlines have been consumed by the under-fire presidency of Hosni Mubabarak, who just this morning stepped down as leader of Egypt.
I would like to bring your attention to a very powerful video produced by the talented staff of Jewish Educational Media (JEM) in Brooklyn, NY.
The video, from the popular video series, Faithful and Fortified, chronicles journalist, Yirsoel Katzover’s, relationship with the Rebbe and an interview he had with Mubarak. Katzover states his shock at hearing the Egyptian President ask “What does the Lubavitcher Rebbe want from me?”
Please take a moment to see the seven minute clip by clicking here.
With turmoil in the Middle East, and our Holy Land constantly standing at risk, lets offer a prayer as our Shabbat comes in that G-d watch over our land,and our brothers and sister within.
May the region experience only good and peaceful happenings and may merit to see the prophecies of Yechezkel - Ezekiel - as stated in this weeks Haftara come true.
”וכתוב לעיניהם וישמרו את כל צורתו ... ועשו אותם”
“Write all this for them to see, so that they may remember it (the Bait Hamikdash - the Holy Temple) in it’s whole form … and merit - in the future - to fulfill its service once again.”
Isser Danielovich, world famous actor, known for his roles during the 50’s and 60’s. Surely, you don’t know him by this name. The “pseudonym” is a concept we have become familiar with.
What is the purpose of a pseudonym? Reasons can be many. Simple and complex.
An author, unsure if his first release will succeed, may prefer a penname rather than tarnishing his own. Should it succeed, he runs with the adopted calling.
An actor/actress in mid-20th-century America may wish to audition and their name could be reason for refusal. Jewish names for example. Isser Danielovich - star actor, and four-time Academy Award nominee, Kirk Douglas.
- - - -
Then we have Moshe - Moses, on the verge of becoming the most popular author to not have his true name listed on the book’s spine. Moshe “wrote” (transcribed) the Torah. Probably why we call them the "Five Books of Moses."
Torah was Moshe’s passion and love, his life and legacy. He is undoubtedly the face we attach to Torah. The most mentioned character. The one who recorded the words. The one who received it from G-d himself atop Sinai.
Moshe was willing however, to give it all up for something else. The Jewish people. Yes, the same people that argued with him, and in ways even blamed him for hardships along the way after the Exodus. Moshe still cared for them. These were his people and he was their shepherd.
Moshe created a fair balance between the three things that permeated his holy life - G-d, Torah and the Jewish People. Moshe in fact viewed them all as one and together. All needed the other to be as important as they were. Moshe loved and defended the trio.
However, Moshe, who is so entrenched in the Torah, once asked G-d to remove his name entirely. I take you to the happenings after the Golden Calf. G-d had made a decision to destroy the nation. Moshe begged G-d to forgive them. And were G-d not to forgive, Moshe requested “please erase my name from the book that You wrote!"
In reference to this display of devotion and humility, Moshe’s name is in fact not mentioned in the entire reading of this weeks Torah portion, Parshat Tetzaveh.
This teaches a powerful lesson. How to lead. How to stand up for a greater cause. To show humility and focus on whats right. Moshe was an expert cum laude in all of the above. But none of it was for him. Ironically, it was his quest for anonymity and his will to put himself forward for others that gave him his unsurpassed top spot in the line of Jewish history.
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On the topic of leadership, it seems much of the major news outlet’s headlines have been consumed by the under-fire presidency of Hosni Mubabarak, who just this morning stepped down as leader of Egypt.
I would like to bring your attention to a very powerful video produced by the talented staff of Jewish Educational Media (JEM) in Brooklyn, NY.
The video, from the popular video series, Faithful and Fortified, chronicles journalist, Yirsoel Katzover’s, relationship with the Rebbe and an interview he had with Mubarak. Katzover states his shock at hearing the Egyptian President ask “What does the Lubavitcher Rebbe want from me?”
Please take a moment to see the seven minute clip by clicking here.
With turmoil in the Middle East, and our Holy Land constantly standing at risk, lets offer a prayer as our Shabbat comes in that G-d watch over our land,and our brothers and sister within.
May the region experience only good and peaceful happenings and may merit to see the prophecies of Yechezkel - Ezekiel - as stated in this weeks Haftara come true.
”וכתוב לעיניהם וישמרו את כל צורתו ... ועשו אותם”
“Write all this for them to see, so that they may remember it (the Bait Hamikdash - the Holy Temple) in it’s whole form … and merit - in the future - to fulfill its service once again.”
Friday, February 4, 2011
Super Bowl XXVIII, Sunday, January 30th, 1994. Tom and Beth are pushing to get to their seats at the 45 yard line, three rows from the Georgia Dome field. The Cowboys and Bills are ready for the coin toss.
They arrive at their place and see an empty seat right next to them. Marcus yells out, “what in the world? An empty seat at the Super Bowl?? Who would give up a seat to the biggest event in the country??”
Irving, an short old man sitting in the seat over shyly proclaims, “well, actually that seat belongs to me. I was supposed to be here with my wife. But she passed away. This is the first time since the Dolphins beat the ‘Skins in ‘73 that were not at the Big Game together.”
“Wow, I’m so sorry. That's amazing that you always went to the Super Bowl together. Sorry about your loss. But I must ask, could you not find someone else to take the empty seat? A friend? A relative? Even a neighbor?”
“No” replies Irving calmly, “they’re all at the funeral!”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Super Bowl XLV. Sunday, February 6th, 2011. Steelers and Packers. Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX. Will you be one of the more than 100 million projected viewers?
What exactly is this phenomenon surrounding the Super Bowl? Why the fanfare and celebration? How does this game effect us? Why do we care?
I think part of the popularity of the Super Bowl can be attributed to its “one-and-done” format. Win and You are crowned the “world champions.” The loser’s soonest chance at redemption is a year away.
The World Series is far less popular, with a viewership of a mere 20 million. Lose today, try again tomorrow. The Super Bowl is the ultimate, lets get it done now, in all of sports.
So, as the Baal Shem Tov always taught, it is important to derive a a lesson in “Avodas Hashem” - the service of G-d - from everything. What can we learn from the Super Bowl?
Many clichés of course like be the best you can be, work hard, be determined and more. Another lesson we can learn from the clash of the NFL’s greatest is this: View actions in life as the Big Game.
Oh, you don’t want to help your friend today? If this was the World Series, it wouldn’t matter, you can help tomorrow. But this being the Super Bowl, if you don’t help today, that chance is gone. Sure, another opportunity will arise, but that’s a whole new ball game. Today’s Championship, is the triumph of today, not tomorrow.
_ _ _ _ _ _
In this weeks Parsha, Terumah, the Jewish nation has just come from slavery in Egypt (where rumor has it they built pyramids. Memo to the Egyptian Rioters: Please do not destroy the pyramids, we will not return to rebuild. Thanks.), the splitting of the sea and the reception of the Torah at Sinai.
Now G-d command his people to build for him a sanctuary and He will dwell amongst them. The reference their was to the Tabernacle the Jewish people built in the dessert. G-d’s planned to dwell amongst the holiness of his people. Not specifically within the Tabernacle (hence the terminology “dwell amongst them” rather than “within it”)
As we know, the Torah is not a history book, and everything it says is meant to be a guide for life. While the commandment was to build the Tabernacle, the lesson derived still exists. We must continue to create holiness in this world, especially amongst the Jewish people, so G-d should remain comfortable dwelling amongst us.
Super Bowl XXVIII, Sunday, January 30th, 1994. Tom and Beth are pushing to get to their seats at the 45 yard line, three rows from the Georgia Dome field. The Cowboys and Bills are ready for the coin toss.
They arrive at their place and see an empty seat right next to them. Marcus yells out, “what in the world? An empty seat at the Super Bowl?? Who would give up a seat to the biggest event in the country??”
Irving, an short old man sitting in the seat over shyly proclaims, “well, actually that seat belongs to me. I was supposed to be here with my wife. But she passed away. This is the first time since the Dolphins beat the ‘Skins in ‘73 that were not at the Big Game together.”
“Wow, I’m so sorry. That's amazing that you always went to the Super Bowl together. Sorry about your loss. But I must ask, could you not find someone else to take the empty seat? A friend? A relative? Even a neighbor?”
“No” replies Irving calmly, “they’re all at the funeral!”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Super Bowl XLV. Sunday, February 6th, 2011. Steelers and Packers. Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX. Will you be one of the more than 100 million projected viewers?
What exactly is this phenomenon surrounding the Super Bowl? Why the fanfare and celebration? How does this game effect us? Why do we care?
I think part of the popularity of the Super Bowl can be attributed to its “one-and-done” format. Win and You are crowned the “world champions.” The loser’s soonest chance at redemption is a year away.
The World Series is far less popular, with a viewership of a mere 20 million. Lose today, try again tomorrow. The Super Bowl is the ultimate, lets get it done now, in all of sports.
So, as the Baal Shem Tov always taught, it is important to derive a a lesson in “Avodas Hashem” - the service of G-d - from everything. What can we learn from the Super Bowl?
Many clichés of course like be the best you can be, work hard, be determined and more. Another lesson we can learn from the clash of the NFL’s greatest is this: View actions in life as the Big Game.
Oh, you don’t want to help your friend today? If this was the World Series, it wouldn’t matter, you can help tomorrow. But this being the Super Bowl, if you don’t help today, that chance is gone. Sure, another opportunity will arise, but that’s a whole new ball game. Today’s Championship, is the triumph of today, not tomorrow.
_ _ _ _ _ _
In this weeks Parsha, Terumah, the Jewish nation has just come from slavery in Egypt (where rumor has it they built pyramids. Memo to the Egyptian Rioters: Please do not destroy the pyramids, we will not return to rebuild. Thanks.), the splitting of the sea and the reception of the Torah at Sinai.
Now G-d command his people to build for him a sanctuary and He will dwell amongst them. The reference their was to the Tabernacle the Jewish people built in the dessert. G-d’s planned to dwell amongst the holiness of his people. Not specifically within the Tabernacle (hence the terminology “dwell amongst them” rather than “within it”)
As we know, the Torah is not a history book, and everything it says is meant to be a guide for life. While the commandment was to build the Tabernacle, the lesson derived still exists. We must continue to create holiness in this world, especially amongst the Jewish people, so G-d should remain comfortable dwelling amongst us.
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