Friday, March 4, 2011

Adding to the Cause!


Anyone who has encountered a “Chabadnik” has no doubt heard the famous, “Did you put on Teffilin today?” The Teffilin campaign was launched by the Lubavitcher Rebbe just before the outbreak of the Six-Day War in 1967. Everyone, not just Shluchim (emissaries) and Yeshiva students, were encouraged to be involved.

My uncle, an international businessman is always equipped with a pair of Teffilin, ready to fulfill the Rebbe’s wish.

Several weeks ago, while visiting one of his factories in Kowloon, China, my uncle encountered an Israeli fellow and, naturally, asked the man to don Teffilin. He agreed and said that at age 53, he may have never done so before. Possibly at his bar-mitzvah, but he did not remember.

Several days later my uncle was at the now re-opened Chabad House of Mumbai, India with a group of Chabadniks. One made mention of a story he heard that week. “An Israeli guy in Kowloon told me someone put on Teffilin with him, possibly for the first time in his life! He wouldn't say who, but said he was touched so deeply, that he now wants his own pair!”

My uncle, surprised at hearing this, filled out the rest of the story, and the men gathered were all in awe. A simple act of putting on Teffilin with a person in Kowloon, something my uncle does with people quite often, had lit up this man’s world.
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In this weeks Parsha, Pekudei, Moshe (Moses) takes an accounting of all the material donated by the people for the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). Each person gave his contribution, and together, they formed a dwelling place for G-d within.

As Torah is not a history book, but rather a lifetime guide, we know that its lessons are timeless. The teachings of charity, of course, need no introduction. However lessons can certainly be derived from each individual contribution then becoming a part of the greater collection.

At that time, there was no “big donor” that was making the difference. ALL were involved in making it happen. In fact, in this weeks supplementary Torah reading, Parshat Shekalim (the first of four special supplements between now and Passover) we read that each person gave a half shekel. Nothing to big at all. But each person gave it. Together it developed into something great!
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Each of us has an opportunity to add that one small contribution to society that will add up to something great. We never know when or where it will happen, but we must know that we can make a difference. We can make a difference to one person or to the entire world.

For my uncle, it has become simple routine. Jewish people he encounters in business are asked to put on Teffilin. Some accept. Some decline. Usually, that's it. This time, his contribution to another Jew, made a world of a difference. It wasn’t a lot, but it added up to great things.

As the Lubavitcher Rebbe once said, “The very fact you know about someone who is in trouble means that in some way you are able to help. - - Otherwise, why would this knowledge have entered your world?

The Rebbe is telling us that there is always something we can do it. It may not be huge, but it will make a difference.

Never underestimate the effect of a good deed.

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