“Am Yisroel Chai” – “The Nation of Israel Lives” is arguably the most popular of Jewish phrases. The words, a testament to our existence through the ages holds true everyday – perhaps today more than ever.
One year ago, the world was horror-struck at the news of the siege of Mumbai. Among the 173
innocent victims of the attacks were the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s emissaries to Mumbai, India, Rabbi Gavriel Noach “Gabi” Holtzberg , 29 and his wife Rivky, 28. The four Jewish guests they hosted at the Chabad House of Mumbai also perished. Their beautiful two-year-old son, Moishele was miraculously pulled from the bloodbath by his heroic nanny.
Then, we cried. We mourned. We questioned. But today – exactly one year later - you will find a very different world! The ripple effect was not that desired by the terrorists. Acts of goodness and kindness were in place of retreat and fear.
Last Thursday the completion of a brand new Torah Scroll written in memory of the Holtzbergs
was celebrated. The completion came just one week prior to their first Yahrtzeit. As the Torah was completed, it was escorted down one of Brooklyn’s busiest streets to its home at Lubavitch World Headquarters. Children sported torches and flags as the participants danced and rejoiced with the Torah down the road to the Shul.
The Torah Celebration also coincided with the commencement of the Kinus Hashluchim Haolami - the International Conference of Chabad Emissaries. The conference hosted more Shluchim than ever before. The Shluchim family was hit hard by the Mumbai Massacre, but they fought on. Shuls, Schools and Mikvaot were named for the Holztbergs.
As the first anniversary of the horrific attacks approach, we can indeed sing “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When Moishele’s miraculous rescue was covered on international television networks, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”.
As thousands of Jewish people pledged mitzvot in memory of the slain, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When more than 6,000 Jewish people of every background came out to celebrate the Holtzberg Torah, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When Hakafot were held in the most public of places - with proud Jewish people celebrating in the face of tragedy, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When hundreds of Shuls, Schools, Mikvaot, classes, programs and events were created to remember the Holtzbergs, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When more than 500 newborn babies were named for the holy Rabbi or Rebbetzin, we cried out “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When more than 4,000 Chabad emissaries and their supporters gathered at the concluding Gala
Banquet at the International Conference of Chabad Emisarries, we sang “Am Yisroel Chai!”
When Jewish pride prevailed over cowardly acts we shouted, “AM YISROEL CHAI!”
Everyday before the morning service we recite, “Ashreinu, Ma Tov Chelkeinu, U'ma Noim Goroleinu, U'ma Yofo Y'rushoseinu.” – Fortunate are we! How good is our portion, how pleasant our lot and how beautiful our heritage.” What a nation we are! Throughout oppression and cruelty, we always rise to the top.
When our enemy wages war on us, we will always prevail. We fight back - but not with bomb straps or semi-automatics. Our return fire is instilling goodness and kindness around the world. This thwarts the enemy’s mission more than any act of violence can ever hope to! We answer six acts of darkness with tens of thousands of acts light. Truly, U’ma Yofo Y’rushoseinu – How beautiful is our heritage!
As we continue to add Mitzvot, acts of goodness and kindness to the world we march closer a time when righteousness will reign and evil will expire – and that is the ultimate goal! This is the coming of Moshiach, when we will all sing together in true happiness as we march to Jerusalem.
“Am Yisroel Chai! Am Yisroel Chai!”
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