Friday, September 9, 2011

9.11.2001. Remember.

(This Dvar Torah is in memory of Michoel Aron (Michael Allen) Noeth, USN, who perished in the pentagon on 9.11.2001 and all the innocent lives that were lost on that fateful day. G-d Bless America.)

This Sunday will mark the 10-year anniversary of the atrocities of September 11, 2001. On that day, the world saw evil at its worst. On that same day, the world saw kindness at its best.

Kindness. Unity. Camaraderie. Friendship. Family. Patriotism.

All aspects of good in humanity shined bright as cowards attempted to break our resolve and purpose. Attacking us at our population and business center, the heart of Lower Manhattan, the World Trade Center.

The terrorists aimed to hit us hard and harm our country at the core. They did. But we rebounded. We did not let a group of lowly people determine how we were to live our lives.

Yes, we certainly rebounded and rebuilt. But not without reservation. We all feel it on a daily basis. Less certain. Less safe.

In this weeks Torah portion, Ki Teitzei, we are told, at the very end of the seventh reading, “Remember what the Nation of Amalek did to you... obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the heavens. You shall not forget!” This lessons is relevant today more than ever.

When Amalek attacked the Jewish Nation on its way out of Egypt, the world saw something which can only be explained as “amazing.” G-d had just finished delivering the Hebrews from the hand of Pharaoh and splitting the Red Sea, amongst a multitude of other miraculous events.

The world saw this clearly! G-d was on the side of the Jewish People and he was going to lead them to the Promised Land! The Egyptians found out the hard way. And as the other Nations of the World saw, miracle after miracle occurred, the ‘mighty’ Egyptians fell and the Jews were well on their way.

Then Amalek came along. G-d? Miracles? Chosen? “Doesn’t bother me!” And they marched forward to attack the Nation of Israel. The world, just as they saw the miracles, saw this as well. And ultimately, even as Irael defeated their unexpected enemy, the Jews were no longer untouchable. Doubt had risen. The Iron Fist which surrounded them seemed weaker.

Nations of the World took note. The Nation of Israel was humbled. And slightly less certain.

Today, we find ourselves in a different world. We know the terrorists wont beat us. We are certain that good will prevail. However, whether we like to admit it or not, we are less certain. Less sure of ourselves.

The modern day “remembering and obliterating” of Amalek begins with each of us. We must obliterate the name of evil. Conquer them and make the world a safe place for our children to live. We must remember the atrocities that occurred, and be certain they don’t happen again.

While the events of 9/11 are certain to never happen, that’s not the only atrocity that needs to be remembered. We must also remember the serenity which existed before and aim for its return to our lives.

May G-d continue to look over our troops who proudly protect the United States of America around the globe. May G-d bestow blessing upon them and their families.

9.11.2001. Remember.

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